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EMINUTES Support Topics
10 • 2024
Support Topic

How do I obtain a FinCEN ID?

Complete the following steps to obtain your FinCEN Identifier.

Create an account with Login.gov

1. Go to https://fincenid.fincen.gov/landing. Click on “Sign in or Create an Account with LOGIN.GOV” and then click on Create an Account.

FinCEN ID Landing page

2. Click “Sign in with LOGIN.GOV”. You must enter a unique email address for each user you are registering that needs a BOI identifier.

Login.gov login

3. Click “Create an account” and enter your email address. You must enter a unique email address for each user you are registering that needs a BOI identifier.

Create account

4. You will receive an email at the address you provided from Login.gov with the subject “Confirm your email”. Click on the link in the email to establish a password.

Add password

Set up 2 Methods of Authentication

5. Set up an authentication method (Authentication App, Text Message, Back up Code, Security Key or Government Employee ID).

Choose authentication method

6. Note that you will be prompted to return to above screen to set up a second method of authentication.

Authentication complete

Enter Your Information and Receive ID

7. Once authentication methods have been confirmed, you can then complete the application for your FinCEN ID. Enter your name (first and last), date of birth, address and upload a form of identification (State-issued Driver’s License, State/Local/Tribe-issued ID, U.S. passport or Foreign passport).

FinCEN application

8. Once successfully submitted, you will be taken to your Submission Receipt. Download a copy of the identifier submission and/or copy your FinCEN ID.

FinCEN submission receipt