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Resident Agent Services

We provide resident agent services in all 50 states.

Our annual fee is $145, and there is no additional charge when you are served. If we are served on your company’s behalf more than twice in any twelve-month period, we simply charge out-of-pocket costs for the delivery of those documents. We deliver documents that are served on us via FedEx (2nd Day) and e-mail (scanned PDFs) at no additional charge. We will even send complimentary courtesy copies.

We have the experience.


Entities enrolled in our entity management service.


Founded in 1997. We’ve been doing this for a quarter of a century.


California Statements of Information handled every year.

Is It Time to talk?

We’ll get right back to you.

eMinutes only works with US based accountants.
Are you a US based accountant?


Learn about resident agent services

22 • 2024

What do I do after I add my entity?

21 • 2024

What Happens If a “Company Applicant” Won’t Provide Their Information for a BOI Report?

15 • 2024

FinCen: The Community Property Conundrum